Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years Resolutions Out In Full Force

So ventured out to the gym today at the 9 o'clock hour. This is usually the busiest time. Today even worse than ever. Driving to the gym and going to the gym you could see that people had made their goals that they were going to do it this year. They are going to be more fit and this is the year they will do it. I came home and told my husband that the gym was so packed today. He said give it a few weeks. I told him-I hope this isn't the case. I hope every year that this goal stays with people and they continue their journey into fitness. Yay for them who have made this decision. It is one of the greatest decisions you can make.

Two things were funny to me on my trip to the gym. #1 is the cardio equiptment is packed full. They weights-the majority of the gym-completely empty. People you have not heard my speech about strength training. #2 is that #1 causes "regular" attendees of the gym to become frustrated. They come to get on "their" treadmill. See the post about spinning and you will know what I am talking about. Beware of gym regulars and again if you are getting and evil stare-ignore it, you were there first.

Okay now my preaching about strength training. Monday is my chest and triceps day. So I want to give you an exercise to do. If you don't have a gym membership or equipment at home you can do this!! No excuses. You want to know what this magical exercise is that works both chest and triceps. Ta Da-push ups. Yes that is right a simple push up. Now there are also variations to the push up. You can do a modified push up-on your knees-don't ever call this a girl push up or I will track you down. There is the incline push up to make things a little easier. Decline push up to make things harder. Diamond push up-uses more of your triceps. You can look up push up in Google and there are so many variations. My goal for you is to try some push ups today.

Get started with a few jumping jacks, run in place, high knees running in place, get your body warmed up and knock some of these babies out. A good investment for push ups is push up bars. This exercise can tweak your wrist. A push up bar gets your wrist in a better position for this exercise. Have dumbbells that will stay in place? Those also work as push up bars.

Now that you have this little gem of knowledge under your belt-GO GET WORKING!! Keep in touch and I will try and keep posting daily things on here to keep you active and happy. I can't ever help it-I smile through my whole workout. Enjoy what you do and be happy with who you are!


  1. I tried to participate in a push-up challenge, but I gave up because I couldn't keep up with the group. I was still super sore when we were supposed to do more. How many times a week will you train the same muscles?

  2. I never train one muscle group in a week. The boot camp I fill in at usually does a endurance leg day and a regular leg day. However, there is a 24 hour rest period in between the two days. I don't know what the push up challenge was, but I was just giving an idea for chest day.
